ZHOU HAI - often known as the "Unofficial Undisputed Asian
American Photographer Laureate"
JAMES WONG HOWE - Award-winning photographer and cinematographer
whose works
are greatly respected.
ATTA KIM - Many of the large-format photographs in Mr. Kim's show were made
over time. His is an art of duration and of simultaneity. When he
leaves his lens open for an hour on a couple making love, every
movement made in that hour is in the picture, though condensed into
an explosive blur.
AN-MY LE - assistant professor of photography at Bard College
in New York, has works in the permanent collections of the Smithsonian
Institution, New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art and other museums.
Her photographic method harks back to the 19th century: ground glass
plates and a large-format 5-by-7-view camera mounted on a tripod.
CORKY LEE - often known as the "Unofficial Undisputed Asian
American Photographer Laureate"
NIKKI S. LEE - artist who explores cultural and ethnic identity
through her subjects.
NORBERT WU - independent photographer and filmmaker who
specializes in marine issues